Subcision Surgery
Subcision Cellulite Surgery
The problem with cellulite is that it is a very unpleasant sight. A woman who looks at her thighs and sees dimples all over them could just want to rip them off. It also adds to her feeling of insecurity and embarrassment to expose her body in the fear of being rejected or insulted by those who would see her cellulite. It’s a very undesirable condition that, unfortunately, happens to almost 90% of women all around the world.
Cellulite are what doctors call the dimpling and unevenness that shows on the skin some time after puberty. This occurs when the fat combines with the connective tissues on the skin, causing its dimpling and inconsistent texture. Although cellulite are not harmful to the health, they are a nuisance to women because they destroy the naturally beautiful and smooth look of the skin.
Several treatment methods have been developed to reverse the effect of cellulite on the skin. Surgeries, massage systems, creams, and other procedures all prove to work but last only for a short period of time. It makes cellulite removal not only time-consuming and effortful, but expensive as well. That is why long-term treatments are currently being developed.
One surgical method of removing cellulite is by subcision. The procedure is basically used for treating cutaneous depressions. It was first described by Orentreich and Orentreich for the treatment of acne scars and wrinkles in 1995. Afterwards, Hexsel and Mazzuco used it to treat cellulite and liposuction sequella in experimental test surgeries involving a set of 46 and 232 patients.
There are specific degrees of cellulite that subcision can correct. It uses a number of steps to follow in treating cellulite. However, not all people can undergo the procedure. Patients are first evaluated before they become candidates for subcision. They must be healthy, and their cellulite must have evident depressed lesions on the thighs and buttocks. Their cellulite must fall into the 2nd degree classification, as according to the guidelines that medical professionals follow. To evaluate this, patients are asked to maintain a relaxed standing position and the areas that comply with the requirements of subcision procedures are the only ones that can be treated. There are also limitations to the procedure. For instance, women who are pregnant are not allowed to undergo subcision. cellulite that do not fit the degree of requirement are also untreatable. Major health considerations including history of illnesses and drug prescriptions should also be subjected to further evaluation.
Although the treatment is expensive, it guarantees long-term effects against cellulite. The skin may stay smooth and firm even over a long period of time. However, the method of subcision is still under speculation. It is not guaranteed that the procedure is 100% safe, and in some instances it may not show very satisfactory results. Keep in mind that subcision does not promise cellulite-free skin like the women who appear on TV. Some individuals may have specific skin form that may not fall in the categories that subcision can completely treat. It can also be possible for cellulite to be dependent on the skin type, and may still appear even after having cellulite subcision surgery. There are many factors that take play in the procedure that is why it is best to first consult a medical professional before deciding to undergo the treatment.
Regardless of what the society accepts as beautiful, sexy or attractive, what’s most important is that a woman is able to show her true self and her real beauty to the world. Every lady has the capacity to be attractive and sexy in her own way, and it doesn’t even matter if she has cellulite or not.
During a subcision procedure, the patient is asked to mark each of the scars that he/she dislikes. These areas are marked and then numbed with local anesthesia. A special blade is used to create a pocket beneath each scar that releases any tethering and creates new scar tissue below the depressed scar. The resultant action during the healing process is to elevate the depressed scar. It is not uncommon to see a 30% or more improvement of each scar with a single subcision treatment. Multiple treatments are typically required to achieve the dramatic outcome that patients thought they could never achieve.
The combination of subcision with Fraxel laser has proved to be the most effective acne scar treatment to date. In some cases of severe scarring, dermal grafting can be combined with subcision to create an immediate correction.
Laser Therapy
One procedure that can help you to treat your acne blemishes effectively is called laser resurfacing. The procedure will actually break apart the molecules in your skin and make it reform. Your skin can be stimulated by a laser and thus made to produce more new skin cells. This stimulation occurs when the laser emits light pulses into the skin that actually wound it slightly. This treatment can help get rid of acne scarring because it can make the body form new skin over scarred areas.
Surgical Therapy
Subcision is another name for the surgical therapy procedure that removes acne blemishes. This technique for getting rid of scarring separates the scarred skin tissue beneath the surface from the surface tissue. This causes blood to collect in the space between and eventually levels off the areas where the scars were.
In order to make this procedure turn out well, the patient needs to return to their doctor many times for consultations and other matters after the subcision is conducted. Surgical therapy for acne blemishes can be a little painful and is moderately expensive.
Scarred or otherwise damaged skin is removed so that fresh skin beneath can show by means of dermabrasion. Darker marks or scars will require more than one dermabrasion session to remove and this procedure is only effective for superficial skin markings. This procedure is potentially uncomfortable for the patient. Both subcision and laser acne treatments are more expensive than dermabrasion, but you may need to undergo a number of dermabrasion sessions to get the results you want.
While there are various methods for treating acne blemishes, there’s no single best option for everyone. It will depend on your skin, how serious your acne is and a number of other factors. Make sure you discuss it with your dermatologist or doctor – they will be able to help you determine the best course of treatment for your particular case.
Knowing what options are available to you is helpful when talking to them, however, since you’ll be better informed about what they’re talking about. It’s always a good idea to do some research before visiting your doctor, so you can at least have some idea of what he or she might suggest.
How subcision Pimple scar removal treatment works
Subcision is used for deep seated scars and is a method whereby a tri-bevelled hypodermic needle is inserted through a puncture in the skin surface. The sharp edges of the needle are then moved backwards and forwards under the scar to break down the fibrous tissue that is holding the blemished skin to the underlying tissue.
This procedure ultimately frees up the underlying tissue and allows the skin to become smooth again as the healing process takes place.
Carried out under a local anaesthetic this treatment is usually performed by a dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon. After the procedure the skin will be slightly swollen and the healing process will take a few weeks before the skin returns to normal. This of course depends entirely upon the individual as some will heal faster than others. It should be borne in mind however, that it may be necessary to perform more than one treatment over a period of time in order to achieve the desired results.
It’s essential to ensure the professional carrying out the procedure is an expert in the field, and for your own peace of mind you should ask questions about the procedure and what side effects, if any, you may experience before going ahead.
The cost of such procedure can range from $150 up to $400 per treatment depending upon the severity of your condition and the amount of treatments necessary. These costs do of course change over time and it’s best to discuss these figures when seeking advice. Subcision for removing Pimple scars is a relatively pain free and successful method of treatment now available for sufferers of this stressful complaint.
Be sure to disclose all of your past and present medications, if applicable, to your physician. For instance, if you were on Accutane to treat your acne within the past year, it may increase your chances of complications.
The best way to determine which treatment is right for your acne scars is to discuss your concerns with a dermatologist or facial plastic surgeon. He or she can explain the various techniques, as well as their risks, benefits and costs. You should be given pre-treatment information that explains everything you should do and know before your procedure. This may include skin preparation with topicals such as Retin A or hydroquinone.
The length and severity of your recovery depends upon which treatment option you choose. If you choose ablative procedures such as laser resurfacing or dermabrasion, your recovery will be a little more extensive than it would be with some of the less invasive procedures. Risks will vary depending on your choice of acne scar removal treatment.
Cellulite Subcision
The dimpled and lumpy appearance on the skin that is usually found on the buttocks, legs and hips is what you call a cellulite. This skin condition affects the majority of post pubescent women at about 95% and those over the age of 21. Some people believe that cellulite is only common to those who are overweight. The truth is, cellulite is also common to women with average weight.
Cellulite is associated with the weakening of the connective tissue on a certain area on your body. The creation of this skin condition starts with poor microvascular circulation. It is usually seen when estrogen levels on your body breaks and declines.
Genetics can be one of the reasons for the formation of cellulite. The genes of every individual play a big role which sometimes explains the formation of certain skin conditions. Fluid retention and fat accumulation are also causes of cellulite formation.
There are people believing that cellulite is some sort of disease associated with excess weight. Cellulite is not a disease of being overweight; however, the condition of being overweight can aggravate cellulite conditions. Some people also believe that cellulite is the result of improper diet and lack of exercise.
Again, cellulite is a skin condition and not sort of disease. The factors that contribute to the formation of cellulite are genetic predisposition, decreased skin tone, hormonal changes, low levels of estrogen and poor microvascular circulation. Without regular exercise and weight gain, cellulite condition can be aggravated to higher levels. Cellulite Subcision
There are stages of cellulite condition and you have it once your skin has an “orange peel” texture when it is pinched. The worst stage of cellulite condition is when dimples and lumpiness are visible on the skin when the person affected is either lying down or in an upright position.
A lot of people with cellulite condition have tried and spent big amount of money buying machines, pills and creams to reduce and eliminate this particular skin condition. The market is flooded with products promising great results. But some people are only met with disappointments and hopelessness because many cellulite eliminating products lack desired results.
Mesotherapy treatments can improve cellulite conditions when most procedures can’t. The treatment of cellulite with mesotherapy method will improve lymphatic and venous circulation, dissolve fat lobules and decreases the bands on connective tissues of your skin. In some cases, subcision or stringcision techniques are used to treat and eliminate the dimpled part of the skin.
With mesotherapy treatment, you can bid your cellulites goodbye. Mesotherapy is the only treatment available now that delivers great results when it comes to cellulite reduction and elimination. Cellulite Subcision






















Cellulite are what doctors call the dimpling and unevenness that shows on the skin some time after puberty. This occurs when the fat combines with the connective tissues on the skin, causing its dimpling and inconsistent texture. Although cellulite are not harmful to the health, they are a nuisance to women because they destroy the naturally beautiful and smooth look of the skin.
Several treatment methods have been developed to reverse the effect of cellulite on the skin. Surgeries, massage systems, creams, and other procedures all prove to work but last only for a short period of time. It makes cellulite removal not only time-consuming and effortful, but expensive as well. That is why long-term treatments are currently being developed.
One surgical method of removing cellulite is by subcision. The procedure is basically used for treating cutaneous depressions. It was first described by Orentreich and Orentreich for the treatment of acne scars and wrinkles in 1995. Afterwards, Hexsel and Mazzuco used it to treat cellulite and liposuction sequella in experimental test surgeries involving a set of 46 and 232 patients.
There are specific degrees of cellulite that subcision can correct. It uses a number of steps to follow in treating cellulite. However, not all people can undergo the procedure. Patients are first evaluated before they become candidates for subcision. They must be healthy, and their cellulite must have evident depressed lesions on the thighs and buttocks. Their cellulite must fall into the 2nd degree classification, as according to the guidelines that medical professionals follow. To evaluate this, patients are asked to maintain a relaxed standing position and the areas that comply with the requirements of subcision procedures are the only ones that can be treated. There are also limitations to the procedure. For instance, women who are pregnant are not allowed to undergo subcision. cellulite that do not fit the degree of requirement are also untreatable. Major health considerations including history of illnesses and drug prescriptions should also be subjected to further evaluation.
Although the treatment is expensive, it guarantees long-term effects against cellulite. The skin may stay smooth and firm even over a long period of time. However, the method of subcision is still under speculation. It is not guaranteed that the procedure is 100% safe, and in some instances it may not show very satisfactory results. Keep in mind that subcision does not promise cellulite-free skin like the women who appear on TV. Some individuals may have specific skin form that may not fall in the categories that subcision can completely treat. It can also be possible for cellulite to be dependent on the skin type, and may still appear even after having cellulite subcision surgery. There are many factors that take play in the procedure that is why it is best to first consult a medical professional before deciding to undergo the treatment.
Regardless of what the society accepts as beautiful, sexy or attractive, what’s most important is that a woman is able to show her true self and her real beauty to the world. Every lady has the capacity to be attractive and sexy in her own way, and it doesn’t even matter if she has cellulite or not.
Subcision for Scars
This simple local anesthesia procedure is designed to improve depressed scars resulting from acne scarring or any scar resulting from trauma or surgery that is depressed below the skin level. Many of these scars are depressed because of loss of skin thickness or tethering of the scar to deeper tissue. The creation of a new scar beneath the depressed scar combined with transection of the tether to underlying tissue results in an elevation of the scar. This procedure can be performed on single depressed lesions or on a hundred acne scars of the face in one sitting.During a subcision procedure, the patient is asked to mark each of the scars that he/she dislikes. These areas are marked and then numbed with local anesthesia. A special blade is used to create a pocket beneath each scar that releases any tethering and creates new scar tissue below the depressed scar. The resultant action during the healing process is to elevate the depressed scar. It is not uncommon to see a 30% or more improvement of each scar with a single subcision treatment. Multiple treatments are typically required to achieve the dramatic outcome that patients thought they could never achieve.
The combination of subcision with Fraxel laser has proved to be the most effective acne scar treatment to date. In some cases of severe scarring, dermal grafting can be combined with subcision to create an immediate correction.
How to Treate Acne Blemishes
Acne, which can produce skin issues that range from mild blemishes to permanent scarring, is usually experienced by adolescents during their pubescent years. The grand majority of individuals who have acne would love to find a way to successfully treat this problem. Fortunately, there are several different ways that acne blemishes can be treated effectively.Laser Therapy
One procedure that can help you to treat your acne blemishes effectively is called laser resurfacing. The procedure will actually break apart the molecules in your skin and make it reform. Your skin can be stimulated by a laser and thus made to produce more new skin cells. This stimulation occurs when the laser emits light pulses into the skin that actually wound it slightly. This treatment can help get rid of acne scarring because it can make the body form new skin over scarred areas.
Surgical Therapy
Subcision is another name for the surgical therapy procedure that removes acne blemishes. This technique for getting rid of scarring separates the scarred skin tissue beneath the surface from the surface tissue. This causes blood to collect in the space between and eventually levels off the areas where the scars were.
In order to make this procedure turn out well, the patient needs to return to their doctor many times for consultations and other matters after the subcision is conducted. Surgical therapy for acne blemishes can be a little painful and is moderately expensive.
Scarred or otherwise damaged skin is removed so that fresh skin beneath can show by means of dermabrasion. Darker marks or scars will require more than one dermabrasion session to remove and this procedure is only effective for superficial skin markings. This procedure is potentially uncomfortable for the patient. Both subcision and laser acne treatments are more expensive than dermabrasion, but you may need to undergo a number of dermabrasion sessions to get the results you want.
While there are various methods for treating acne blemishes, there’s no single best option for everyone. It will depend on your skin, how serious your acne is and a number of other factors. Make sure you discuss it with your dermatologist or doctor – they will be able to help you determine the best course of treatment for your particular case.
Knowing what options are available to you is helpful when talking to them, however, since you’ll be better informed about what they’re talking about. It’s always a good idea to do some research before visiting your doctor, so you can at least have some idea of what he or she might suggest.
Removing Pimple Scars – What is the Subcision Method?
How subcision Pimple scar removal treatment works
Subcision is used for deep seated scars and is a method whereby a tri-bevelled hypodermic needle is inserted through a puncture in the skin surface. The sharp edges of the needle are then moved backwards and forwards under the scar to break down the fibrous tissue that is holding the blemished skin to the underlying tissue.
This procedure ultimately frees up the underlying tissue and allows the skin to become smooth again as the healing process takes place.
Carried out under a local anaesthetic this treatment is usually performed by a dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon. After the procedure the skin will be slightly swollen and the healing process will take a few weeks before the skin returns to normal. This of course depends entirely upon the individual as some will heal faster than others. It should be borne in mind however, that it may be necessary to perform more than one treatment over a period of time in order to achieve the desired results.
It’s essential to ensure the professional carrying out the procedure is an expert in the field, and for your own peace of mind you should ask questions about the procedure and what side effects, if any, you may experience before going ahead.
The cost of such procedure can range from $150 up to $400 per treatment depending upon the severity of your condition and the amount of treatments necessary. These costs do of course change over time and it’s best to discuss these figures when seeking advice. Subcision for removing Pimple scars is a relatively pain free and successful method of treatment now available for sufferers of this stressful complaint.
Acne Scar Removal: Are You a Candidate?
If you have active acne, wait before starting an acne scar removal treatment. These treatments can exacerbate your active acne.Be sure to disclose all of your past and present medications, if applicable, to your physician. For instance, if you were on Accutane to treat your acne within the past year, it may increase your chances of complications.
The best way to determine which treatment is right for your acne scars is to discuss your concerns with a dermatologist or facial plastic surgeon. He or she can explain the various techniques, as well as their risks, benefits and costs. You should be given pre-treatment information that explains everything you should do and know before your procedure. This may include skin preparation with topicals such as Retin A or hydroquinone.
The length and severity of your recovery depends upon which treatment option you choose. If you choose ablative procedures such as laser resurfacing or dermabrasion, your recovery will be a little more extensive than it would be with some of the less invasive procedures. Risks will vary depending on your choice of acne scar removal treatment.
Acne Scar Removal Cost
Cost depends upon your chosen treatment and the number of treatments needed. Deep ice pick acne scars may require several procedures or a few different types of therapy for optimal results. Even light acne scarring may take more than one chemical peel or several weeks and months of at-home treatments. Make sure to discuss acne scar removal costs with your doctor during your initial appointment. Visit the individual treatment pages highlighted in this section for up-to-date procedure cost information.
The dimpled and lumpy appearance on the skin that is usually found on the buttocks, legs and hips is what you call a cellulite. This skin condition affects the majority of post pubescent women at about 95% and those over the age of 21. Some people believe that cellulite is only common to those who are overweight. The truth is, cellulite is also common to women with average weight.
Cellulite is associated with the weakening of the connective tissue on a certain area on your body. The creation of this skin condition starts with poor microvascular circulation. It is usually seen when estrogen levels on your body breaks and declines.
Genetics can be one of the reasons for the formation of cellulite. The genes of every individual play a big role which sometimes explains the formation of certain skin conditions. Fluid retention and fat accumulation are also causes of cellulite formation.
There are people believing that cellulite is some sort of disease associated with excess weight. Cellulite is not a disease of being overweight; however, the condition of being overweight can aggravate cellulite conditions. Some people also believe that cellulite is the result of improper diet and lack of exercise.
Again, cellulite is a skin condition and not sort of disease. The factors that contribute to the formation of cellulite are genetic predisposition, decreased skin tone, hormonal changes, low levels of estrogen and poor microvascular circulation. Without regular exercise and weight gain, cellulite condition can be aggravated to higher levels. Cellulite Subcision
There are stages of cellulite condition and you have it once your skin has an “orange peel” texture when it is pinched. The worst stage of cellulite condition is when dimples and lumpiness are visible on the skin when the person affected is either lying down or in an upright position.
A lot of people with cellulite condition have tried and spent big amount of money buying machines, pills and creams to reduce and eliminate this particular skin condition. The market is flooded with products promising great results. But some people are only met with disappointments and hopelessness because many cellulite eliminating products lack desired results.
Mesotherapy treatments can improve cellulite conditions when most procedures can’t. The treatment of cellulite with mesotherapy method will improve lymphatic and venous circulation, dissolve fat lobules and decreases the bands on connective tissues of your skin. In some cases, subcision or stringcision techniques are used to treat and eliminate the dimpled part of the skin.
With mesotherapy treatment, you can bid your cellulites goodbye. Mesotherapy is the only treatment available now that delivers great results when it comes to cellulite reduction and elimination. Cellulite Subcision
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