Chin Implants Surgery

When the chin is out of proportion with the rest of the face it may detract from the attractiveness of the other features. 
In the extreme, a jaw that is too large or small affects dental occlusion and requires the attention of orthodontists and oral surgeons. 
Orthognathic surgery to correct more serious problems with the jaw is discussed in the chapter of the teeth in Implant therapy.
Even though the dental occlusion is normal, the chin may be out of balance with the rest of the face.
  It may be recessed or too small, too pointed or crooked, too short or long, or it may protrude too much.The disproportionate chin may be corrected in two ways (if no dental malocclusion exists)
A chin implant can be inserted or the bone of the jaw can be adjusted in Implant therapy.
Chin implants are usually made of a silastic (silicone) material and are available in two forms.
As a gel within a bag, or as a solid block which is either preformed or contoured to each individual need. Acrylic implants may also be used.
Implant surgery usually takes approximately 3o minutes, and is performed under a local anesthetic.
After rinsing the mouth with an antiseptic mouthwash, an incision is made in the depression between the lower lip and the external gums of the lower teeth.
A pocket is then created between the lignin of the bone and the muscle and fat covering the chin. The size of the pocket is determined by the structure of the face and the esthetic goals.  An implant to fit the pocket is then put in place and the incision is closed.
The advantage to this procedure is that there is no external scar.
In the past, the incision was made in the natural crease under the chin.  Although the scar was somewhat hidden in the crease, it was still visible.  This is why entering through the mouth is now preferred.  Once the procedure is complete, a light pressure dressing is applied to control swelling and bruising.  The dressing is removed within 2 days in Implant surgery.
For comfort, a soft diet is recommended until the dressings are removed.  Hot foods should also be avoided because the area tends to be numb for some time after the surgery and there is a risk of scalding the lower lip in Implant surgery.

Will there be any pain after surgery?
Only mild discomfort is felt for the first few days after surgery because of the pressure the implant and swelling exert in the area of the chin.  As the swelling subsides, so does the discomfort.
The incision within the mouth is irritating for the first few days, just as with any sore in that area.  A mild painkiller helps to minimize the discomfort until the swelling subsides, usually within 7 to 10 days
When can normal activities be resumed?
Normal activities can be resumed within 2 days, once the pressure dressing has been removed.
Are there any potential complications?
The most common complications is a loss of sensation in the lower lip and chin region.  Due to swelling, pressure is exerted on the nerve supply to the area.  This loss of sensation is usually temporary and will return to normal in several weeks.
Other complications with this procedure are rare but may include:
  • Extrusion of expulsion of the implant, usually as a result of infection or a pocket that is too tight.
  • Erosion of the jawbone at the site of the implant occurs if the implant is placed directly on the bone rather than on the lining of the bone.  If the implant is placed too high, erosion of the bone above the implant may cause damage to the dental roots.      
  • A poorly positioned implant will create an unsatisfactory cosmetic result. 
Implants may easily be replaced or removed through the original incision in the event of any of these complications or if the results are disappointing.
Can chin implants be combined with other procedures?
A chin implant is often combined with a rhinoplasty.  Liposuction is also commonly done in conjunction with chin implants; fat is sucked from jowls, and under the chin, the cheeks, and the neck.  This contouring provides the finishing touch to the proportional changes that are accomplished with rhinoplasty and chin implants.

Chin Implant Surgery Procedure

What to expect during your chin implant surgery

Most chin augmentation procedures are performed on an outpatient basis. The surgery can be performed in a dedicated surgery center, a hospital, or in a surgery suite at your plastic surgeon's office.
The chin implant procedure can be performed while the patient is under general anesthesia or local anesthesia. Your plastic surgeon will determine which is the best option in your particular case.
Chin implant surgery usually takes just under an hour. If you are having other procedures done at the same time, the duration of the surgery may be longer.
During the surgery, your plastic surgeon makes an incision one of two places.  The incision may be made inside your mouth, along the lower lip, or it may be made in the skin just beneath your chin.  Your surgeon then creates a pocket over the front of your jawbone.  A chin implant, specially selected to be the correct size and shape to give you your desired results, will be inserted into the pocket.
After surgery, the chin is typically taped after to provide support and to minimize swelling and discomfort. If the implant was inserted through your mouth, dissolving stitches will probably be used.  They will dissolve in about 10 days. If the incision was made in your chin, regular stitches will be used. Those will be removed during a follow-up visit to your plastic surgeon's office, about a week after your chin surgery.
After surgery, you will be taken to a recovery room and monitored until you are discharged to go home. You will need a ride home, and you may want to arrange to have someone look after you for a day or two after your surgery.

After Your Chin Implant Procedure

Recovering from chin augmentation surgery - after you get your chin implants

After your chin augmentation surgery, you will need to have someone drive you home. You plastic surgeon's office should give you detailed instructions on your post-operative care.
Expect to experience some discomfort and swelling in the chin and jaw area for several days of your procedure. You will likely have some difficulty with smiling and talking. This is only temporary and you should feel better in a few days.
You may have some bruising around your chin and your neck. Your plastic surgeon's office will give you instructions on brushing your teeth and rinsing your mouth in such a way as to avoid irritating the area.
While recovering from chin surgery is quick compared to other types of facial cosmetic surgery procedures, there will be some restrictions on your activities for a short period after your surgery. Normally, most bruising and swelling should be better in a few days.
If the chin implant was placed using an incision in your mouth, there will probably be restrictions on the types of foods that you can eat for a few days. Soft foods, such as Jell-o or pudding may be recommended. You may also be instructed to drink meal-replacement shakes so you can meet your nutritional requirements without the need for vigorous chewing.
Stitches that are placed in the mouth are often the dissolving kind, which will dissolve in ten days to two weeks. Non-dissolving sutures will have to be removed during one of your follow-up visits to your plastic surgeon.

Ensuring a comfortable recovery from your chin surgery

Since you will be limiting your activity for the first couple of days after your surgery, it's a good idea to set up a recovery area before you leave for your surgery. Some suggested items to have near where you'll be resting are:
  • Ice packs or cold packs. We know some people who recommend frozen peas in a freezer bag, too. They stay cold a long time, don't leak when they melt, and conform to the shape of your face.
  • Soft foods (see above)
  • Any medications that your plastic surgeon recommends, including pain medications, mouth rinses, ointments or salves.
  • A thermometer, so you can take your temperature if you suspect a fever.
  • Gauze rolls to absorb any discharge or bleeding.
  • Pillows.
  • A telephone with a list of your doctor's contact numbers nearby or in speed-dial. (Note: If you program the numbers into your speed dial, test them! You don't want to call the wrong number during an emergency.)

Chin implant surgery - Potential complications

While you can expect to have some discomfort after your surgery, there are some things that warrant a telephone call to your doctor. Among them:
  • Abnormal pain
  • Severe or prolonged bleeding
  • Abnormal, milky or pus-like discharge
  • Unusual swelling, including sudden puffiness. (Normal swelling will subside in a few days after your cheek augmentation surgery.)
  • Shifting of the chin implant
  • Fever over 100 degrees, which can signal infection 
