Brow Lift Results and Recovery

The type of brow lift procedure (also called a forehead lift) that you undergo will determine what kind of recovery time and symptoms you can expect. Patients who undergo a classic brow lift procedure will experience somewhat greater discomfort than those who have an endoscopic brow lift done.

Recovery after Brow Lift Surgery

After classic brow lift surgery, it is important to keep the head elevated for several days in order to minimize postoperative swelling. Some numbness and temporary discomfort may persist around the incision for several days, but this can be controlled with pain medication. The bruising and swelling that does occur will usually subside considerably in the first week. Bandages will come off a day or two after brow lift surgery. Stitches from the surgery are removed during the first two weeks, though this varies from patient to patient.
Endoscopic brow lift patients may also experience some numbness, along with mild swelling. Pain is usually minimal, and medication is only needed in some instances.

Returning to Your Normal Routine

Normal work can be resumed 7 to 10 days after a brow lift procedure, though recovery from endoscopic brow lift surgery may take even less time. You should be able to shower and wash your hair a few days after the bandages come off. However, vigorous activity should be limited for several weeks, including jogging, bending, sex, or any activity that increases your blood pressure.

Final Results

Most of the visible signs of brow lift surgery should disappear within a few weeks, and minor swelling and bruising can usually be hidden with makeup. Do not worry if you feel a bit tired and let down at first, as your body heals itself and you begin to look better, you will feel better as well. Patients are usually very satisfied with their new look once their surgery site has completely healed. Patients often do not realize just how much their sagging brow contributed to an older appearance until they see their new, refreshed look.

Consult a Brow Lift Specialist near You

If you’re thinking about having a brow lift procedure, your first step should be to consult with a qualified surgeon who can give you realistic expectations of what to expect from the surgery. Locate a physician in your area who is skilled and experienced in brow lift surgery.