Singer Mariah Carey Plastic Surgery

Singer Mariah Carey, beautiful and talented since she delivered her the first album has faced some changes on her look since then. In these pictures you can see that her nose and cheeks look different than at the beginning of her career, suggesting different plastic surgery procedures such as a rhinoplasty and cheek implants.
Her cheeks were always high, but at some point of her career there was a change on her face that could be seen by her fans.  Her nose became more defined and thinner specially on the tip, with her cheeks looking even more high than before, that's why we think that she got some procedures done there.
Looking at the change that her breast size experienced, first with an average size and a bit sagging depending to which pictures we see, and then with much bigger, round and projected breasts, it is hard not to think about breast implants immediately.  Some of her fans think that everything is due to weight gain, which could be, but at the end we will all have our point of view and she will stay happy and enjoying her life whether she got implants or not.