Thigh Lift surgery

What is a thigh lift?

The thigh lift is a cosmetic surgery procedure designed to tighten the skin of the thigh and reduce sagging in the inner or outer thigh. Dr. Ricardo Rodriguez performs this procedure on its own, or in combination with other procedures such as a body lift. As a general rule, Dr. Rodriguez does not perform liposuction to the inner thigh simultaneously with an inner thigh lift.

Who benefits most from a thigh lift?

If your inner thighs are very big and have a lot of fatty tissue it might be best to do liposuction first to get rid of as much of the excess tissue as possible. After a few months we reevaluate the inner thigh to see if you will benefit from a thigh lift. In some cases, a thigh lift is recommended. If the skin of the inner thigh sags or is droopy, a thigh lift is ideal as it will tighten up the skin and smooth the contour of the inner thigh. Patients who have lost a lot of weight are also ideal candidates for an inner thigh lift, usually done in combination with other cosmetic surgery procedures.

What can the inner thigh lift do for me?

Stand in front of a mirror and pinch the skin of your inner thigh so that you lift the skin towards your groin. This approximates what a thigh lift can do for you.

How is the outer thigh treated?

The outer thigh is treated most often by liposuction. When the skin of the outer thigh sags, it is usually in conjunction with the buttocks. In this case, the outer thigh lift is performed together with a buttocks lift.

What is involved in the thigh lift surgery?

Thigh lift surgery can be done under 'twilight' anesthesia or general anesthesia. The procedure is performed as an out patient procedure at either GBMC or St. Joseph's Hospital here in Baltimore, Maryland. Thigh lift patients arrive at the hospital 1.5 hours prior to scheduled surgery.
The pubic area is shaved the morning of surgery so that the area is smooth and without hair. Stray hairs can infect the incisions, so shaving helps to eliminate this risk. Immediately before surgery, Dr. Rodriguez will mark the patient's thighs while she's standing up. The skin is pinched and elevated towards the groin and an estimate is made for how much skin should be removed. Dr. Rodriguez designs the surgery so the final scar is hidden in the groin crease. Excess skin and fat are removed and the remaining thigh skin is elevated and tightened.

What is the recovery time for the thigh lift surgery?

Thigh lift surgery is generally well tolerated, but the recovery time is 2-3 weeks. We strongly recommend strict bed rest for the first 10 days--avoiding all movement to help speed up recovery time. Out of town patients who have the thigh lift must stay a minimum of 2 weeks in town.

How much does the inner thigh lift cost?

The plastic surgeon's fee ranges from $5000-$7000 for an inner thigh lift. This fee includes all follow up office visits. If the procedure is done at the same time as other procedures, a discount may apply. Cosmetic Surgery financing is available. Please call the office at 410-494-8100 to find out more information about the thigh lift cosmetic surgery procedure.                           

The thigh lift/thighplasty is a cosmetic surgery procedure designed to tighten the skin of the thigh and reduce sagging in the inner or outer thigh.

Thigh lift surgery is an excellent way to achieve firmer and more attractive-looking upper legs. Especially helpful for those who have loose, excess skin as a result of weight loss, thigh lift, or thighplasty, can help tone and refine your legs so you can show off a new, thinner you!

Women more commonly request thigh lift surgery then men, as the thigh area is a popular spot of the body for fat to accumulate on women's bodies.

If your thighs embarrass you then a thigh lift might be the answer to your concerns about your appearance.
Thigh Lift Before And After
Thigh Lift Before And After

Thigh LiftThigh Lift

Types of Thigh Lifts

1.Inner Thigh Lift

The outer thigh is treated most often by liposuction. When the skin of the outer thigh sags, it is usually in conjunction with the buttocks. In this case, the outer thigh lift is performed together with a buttocks lift.

2.Bilateral Thigh Lift

3.Medial Thigh Lift

4.vertical thighplasty

5.outer thigh lift
Plastic Surgery Thigh Lift
Plastic Surgery Thigh Lift

Inner Thigh Lift
Inner Thigh Lift

Possible risks of thigh lift surgery include:

  • Unfavorable scarring
  • Bleeding (hematoma)
  • Infection
  • Fluid accumulation
  • Poor wound healing
  • Skin loss
  • Blood clots
  • Numbness or other changes in skin sensation
  • Anesthesia risks
  • Skin discoloration and/or swelling
  • Fatty tissue found deep in the skin might die (fat necrosis)
  • Major wound separation
  • Asymmetry
  • Pain, which may persist
  • Unsatisfactory results such as highly visible surgical scar location, unacceptable visible deformities, bunching and rippling in the skin near the suture lines or at the ends of the incisions
  • Deep vein thrombosis, cardiac and pulmonary complications
  • Recurrent looseness of skin
  • Sutures may spontaneously surface through the skin, become visible or produce irritation that require removal
  • Possibility of revisional surgery

Thigh Lift Before And After
Thigh Lift Before And After

The recovery time for the thigh lift surgery is usually 1-2 weeks. Patients should plan to take 7-10 days off from work.
Thigh Lift Before And Afte
Thigh Lift Before And After

If you are considering thigh lift surgery but fear the prospect of scars, an experienced thigh lift surgeon can discuss this possibility, as well as any other potentially negative aspects of the procedure so that you can make an informed decision.

Scars are, unfortunately, one aspect of thigh lift surgery that patients must weigh against the benefits of eliminating excess fat and skin tissue.

Thigh Lift Before And Afte
Thigh Lift Before And After

Today's modern thigh lift aims to create thighs that are proportionate to the buttocks, abs and legs.