Restylane Surgery

Restylane is the trade name for a range of products with a specific formulation of non-animal sourced hyaluronic acid most commonly used for lip augmentation (volume and contouring). Restylane was the first stabilized hyaluronic acid filler on the market and reportedly has been used in over 11 million treatments worldwide (2010).
In the United States, Restylane was the first hyaluronic acid filler to be approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for cosmetic injection into sub dermal facial tissues.

What is Restylane

Restylane ® is a clear, non-animal-based, biodegradable gel that is composed of hyaluronic acid, which occurs naturally in the body. Originally developed in Sweden, Restylane® filler injections are now marketed in the United States by Medicis, a leading pharmaceutical company that offers a wide range of other skin treatments. Restylane® is created from tissue cultivated in a laboratory, and is an excellent alternative to other fillers such as collagen and Hylaform®, which are both derived from animal products.

Candidates for Restylane® Treatment

Restylane® requires only a few injections and no incisions or removal of tissue, so the risk of complications is quite low. That in turn means that almost anyone who would like to reduce the prominence of their facial lines and wrinkles can be a candidate for Restylane® treatments. Those allergic to avian-based hyaluronic acid treatments can safely use Restylane®, since it is derived from bacterial origins. Those with a history of allergy to bacterial protein, though, should not use the product.

Restylane® Cost and Financing Information

Compared to more invasive cosmetic surgery procedures, Restylane® injections are very affordable. The average cost of Restylane® treatments in the United States is a little over $500. The total cost may be somewhat higher depending on how many treatments are required to give the patient the desired result.

Types of Restylane® Fillers

Restylane® treatments come in a few different forms, each of which is designed to treat specialized problems. All forms of the gel are based on the same kind of hyaluronic acid, but the sizes of the particles within them differ from one to the next. Restylane® Touch has small particles and is used in the thin upper layers of the skin to fill in fine creases and age lines. Deeper lines can be treated with Restylane® Perlane injections, which can also be used to add volume to features like the chin and cheeks. Even greater contour changing possibilities are available with Restylane® SubQ, containing the largest particles sold. Restylane® without any other word attached is the default version with intermediate-sized particles; this type of Restylane® can be used as a lip filler or for the treatment of wrinkles.

The Restylane® Treatment Process

Restylane ® treatment is attractive in part because it is so fast and easy. The patient receives the injections in the doctor’s office and generally does not require any anesthesia (one exception: Restylane® lip filler treatment is usually accompanied by a local anesthetic). The injections are applied over the course of 10 minutes to 1 hour, depending on how large the area to be treated is. Once the gel has been administered, the session is over and the patient is free to return to normal activities.

Risks and Benefits of Restylane® Injections

The benefits of Restylane® are easy to see: the treatment is fast, minimally painful, and easy to recover from. Furthermore, the results last for months, and the biocompatible nature of the hyaluronic acid in the formula eliminates the need for allergy tests. There is a very small risk of side effects from Restylane® such as contracting an animal-based disease or having an allergic reaction to the bacterial proteins in the gel.

Treatment techniques

A new way to use Restylane was described in the August 2007 issue of the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology by Dutch cosmetic doctor Tom van Eijk, whose "fern pattern" injection technique aims to restore dermal elasticity rather than to fill underneath the wrinkles

Recovery time and duration

Treatments have a fast recovery time of 2 to 3 days.
Duration depends on factors like the individual’s skin type, lifestyle and age. After the initial treatment, follow-up sessions are normally recommended around every 6 to 12 months depending on the individual and the treatment. A treatment of the lips lasts about 6 months.

The Restylane Procedure

Restylane injections are administered in the doctor's office, typically for patients aged 35 to 60. It is most often performed with local anesthesia, especially if the lip is being treated. Since Restylane contains no lidocaine like collagen, patients may experience some pain and discomfort from the needle during injection. Depending upon the extent of the treatment, the procedure can take from a few minutes up to 30 minutes. Patients return home shortly after the procedure.
Restylane is a clear liquid gel, a non-animal-based hyaluronic acid (a natural sugar compound).
  • Step One: The doctor may first select one or more injection points for each location to be treated. Antiseptic is also applied.
  • Step Two: The doctor will then identify the correct amount of Restylane to be used.
  • Step Three: The Restylane filler is then injected beneath the skin. Hyaluronic acid in the filler adheres to the skin as the water contained in the acid helps to retain volume under the skin's surface. The acid acts as a magnet for water, which helps to preserve the renewed volume of the skin.
Results are fully evident within one week. Restylane has a success rate for reducing or eliminating deep wrinkles that cannot be accomplished with other procedures such as chemical peels or microdermabrasion.

Recovery after Restylane Treatment

Swelling may be pronounced, lasting for two or three days. Normal activities can be resumed immediately, though patients are advised to stay out of the sun. Unmanageable pain, as well as symptoms that are progressive or abnormal, should be reported to the doctor immediately.
Restylane treatments reduce wrinkles by about 80 percent. Restylane is a temporary solution and follow-up treatments may be needed.

The Cost of Restylane

Patients commonly receive further Restylane treatments after about six months. Cost varies since the number of targeted areas and their severity differ among patients.
The average cost for Restylane injections ranges from $350 to $800 per syringe.
Some of the cost can be covered by insurance if the procedure is related to a medical necessity. You can ask your surgeon about filing for insurance. Purely cosmetic procedures are not covered by insurance.
If the cost is too much to pay at once, ask your surgeon about monthly payments. For financing options and tips, continue reading about Patient Financing. For pricing information related to other treatments, read an overview of cosmetic surgery costs.;base64,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