Cost of Brow Lift

Brow lift (forehead lift) prices may vary greatly depending upon the doctor and the location. Many factors will affect the cost of your brow lift, so be sure you understand exactly what you are paying for with the price of surgery. On average, brow lift surgery costs between $2,000 – $8,000.

Average Brow/ Forehead Lift Prices

The cost of a brow lift is about $3,000, and can range from $2,000 to $8,000. Doctors with less experience may charge a reduced amount for the procedure, so be sure to ask your surgeon how many brow lift surgeries he or she has performed. You should not allow your concern for the cost to override your concern for your safety.
When considering reduced forehead lift prices, you should make sure that your doctor is certified and credentialed to perform all procedures you will undergo. If the price seems too good to be true, proceed cautiously and be absolutely sure you understand your surgeon’s pricing structure. You should also find out how much experience the surgeon has performing the brow lift procedure, as a lack of experience may be the reason for a lower price.
If you are undergoing other procedures in conjunction with your brow lift, this factor will affect the overall cost. You should also be aware, in advance of your surgery, of all miscellaneous fees and charges your surgeon may add on.

Endoscopic Brow Lift Prices

Forehead lift completed using the endoscopic brow lift technique costs about as much as a traditional brow lift, though the endoscopic surgery may be considered a more economical option because there is a shorter recovery time, allowing you to return to work sooner. The endoscopic technique should also require less follow-up care, and fewer medications to control post-operative discomfort.
Endoscopic brow lift is a newer procedure and some surgeons may have more experience performing these types of surgeries than others. You should ask your surgeon exactly how many he or she has performed.

Financing the Cost of a Brow Lift

The cost of a brow lift can often be financed through your surgeon’s office, or through an independent medical financing company.
If your surgeon offers financing, you should meet at least once with an office manager to discuss your options. At this time you should be fully briefed on payment obligations and interest rates.
Your surgeon’s office staff should also be able to walk you through the financing process with outside companies. Be sure to ask questions any time you don’t completely understand the forehead lift prices or financing plan at your doctor's practice.