Chin Augmentation (Mentoplasty) Recovery

Chin Augmentation (Mentoplasty)
Recovery: 7-14 days
Surgical Time: 30 mins – 90mins
There are two basic procedures used in mentoplasty: one involves moving the chin bone forward and the other, the use of a plastic chin implant. The best candidate for chin augmentation, or mentoplasty, is the individual with a receding chin and a normal dental bite. For those with a bite dysfunction, jaw surgery, in conjunction with mentoplasty, may be necessary.
Chin augmentation with implants can enhance a person's weak chin or create symmetry or an aesthetically pleasing shape within the facial structure. Implants can also be used for reconstruction in cases involving birth defects or trauma-related incidents.
Placing implants within the chin can help bring balance to one’s facial appearance. It can also strengthen a jawline. These artificial implants can help change the basic structure of your face, to give a fuller, more basic look. Chin implants can also restore a more youthful and refreshed appearance to areas that appear sunken or tired. Chin augmentation can be performed alone, or in conjunction with another cosmetic procedure such as facial liposuction in order to further enhance the appearance and to provide a more harmonious balance to one’s facial features.
Some chin implants are inserted through the inside lower lip (intro-oral incision) to avoid facial scarring. Chin augmentation is often combined with liposuction to remove fat from under the chin and the neck.

Chin Surgery
Chin Surgery Before And AfterChin Surgery Before And After

Chin Surgery Before And After
Chin Surgery Before And AfterChin Surgery Before And After